May 23, 2011

Habit Towards Study

All learning, however, is a process which settles into certain steps. Students with learning problems, however, may still have generally inefficient and ineffective study habits and skills. Becoming aware of your learning style will help you to understand why you sometimes get frustrated with common study methods.

In these challenging times, the thirst for learning with knowledge creation as its primary goal will be utterly overwhelming. Fueled by the rapid developments of technology, socialization, and globalization, learning is the essential component of all success. Learning must be the dominant responsibility of all students for their eventual success comes from it and its application.

Basically, you study because you want to learn and you want to fulfill your aims or ambitions in life. Thus, you should be mindful about doing your duties and responsibilities such as taking quizzes, reciting in class, doing homework, and submitting term papers, case studies and reports. A good grade should not be your goal. The truly serious student does not "study for a grade." His goal is to learn the information for use throughout life. Grades are simply a measure of how well he has learned. Good grades come to you as a byproduct of the true goal of learning the material.

Effective study habits are a very import part of the learning process. Good study habits are all about keeping to a daily routine and giving all subjects equal treatment. The facts, ideas, and principles you acquire from these could be your weapons in facing future challenges. If your study habits are weak, take a "study skills" course or have someone show you good study habits.

However, let us remember, too, that your purpose in learning is more important than what you learn, for it surely propels and drives us to crave for more. An efficient working method will serve us through life, but many of the things you learn will just be forgotten. Yes, you will forget some of what you have learned. You all do. But the more of it you have "locked into" your head, the better off you will be. Also, it will be a lot easier for you to relearn what you may have forgotten, when that becomes necessary. Being systematic about study will do a lot. Habit then comes to your aid.

According to one of the Chinese proverbs, “Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.” This is one of the treasures that cannot be taken from you. A successful author wrote, “I enjoy learning and I learn easily. I am keenly interested in the skillful application of my innate knowledge that unfolds and the practical knowledge I acquire.” His awareness of his potential expands as his knowledge progresses and his skills improve.

Evidently, there is that demand for each one of us to discover everything the world has. The problem is that many of us feel that what you know all there is to know already and that you can be contented with the way your lives are going. The determined person, on the other hand, knows the application of what he learns allows him to become considerably closer to his goals.


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